Terms and Conditions of Sale

For Terms and Condtions of Sale with Service please view "Terms of Sale with Service".

Important Notice: Please read these Terms and Conditions of Sale of Products (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”) before You place an order, purchase or acquire one or several Products. By assenting electronically, or placing an order, purchasing or acquiring Products on the Arlo Europe website (i.e. www.arlo.com), You accept all the provisions of these Terms.

Arlo Europe’s separate terms of service will apply in the event that You subscribe for a service on the Arlo Europe website or on the Arlo App.

1. Definitions

In these Terms, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Arlo Europe”, ”We” or “Us” shall refer to Verisure Arlo Europe DAC (658538), with its registered office at Building 4100, Cork Airport Business Park, Cork, Ireland, T12 AP97;

Customer”, “You” shall mean a Consumer who places an order for Product(s) on the Website;

Consumer” shall mean any natural person who acts for purposes that are outside his trade, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity;

Contract” shall refer to each agreement formed between the Customer and Arlo Europe for the purchase of Products in accordance with these Terms;

Delivery” shall mean the transfer of physical possession or control of one or more Products;

Force Majeure Event” shall mean any event beyond any Party’s control, which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract and the effects of which cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, that prevents this Party from performing its obligation under these Terms, including, without limitation, strikes, flood, fire, lock-out, pandemics, hurricane, earthquake;

Parties” shall mean the Customer and Arlo Europe together and “Party” shall mean either of them;

Products” shall mean the range of products available on the Website;

Website” shall refer to the Arlo Europe website available at the following address: [www.arlo.com].

2. Relationship between You and Arlo Europe

These Terms apply to the contractual relationship between the Customer and Arlo Europe and apply to all orders for Products placed on the Website. A contract is formed between the Parties in accordance with Section 6 if Arlo Europe agrees to accept Your order. Arlo Europe shall be under no obligation to accept Your order and may refuse to do so for legitimate reasons.

Delivery of Products is carried out only to addresses within Netherlands.

3. Customer obligations

By placing an order for one or more Products, You agree that:

  • You will only use the Products provided by Arlo Europe for personal and non-commercial usage, and that You are not acting in a purpose related to a trade, business, craft or liberal or agricultural profession; and
  • You are at least 18-years of age, and are aware of the legal regulations applicable to the Contract.

4. Placing an order

4.1    Description of the Products

4.1.1    The presentation of Products and price on the Website does not constitute a legally binding offer by Arlo Europe, but merely an invitation to You to place an order.
4.1.2    Only the applicable sales conditions, the descriptions, characteristics, features, presentations and price that We publish and that We directly present on the Website, shall be regarded as constituting the description of the Product approved by Arlo Europe. Images and videos on the Website illustrating the Products are only provided for illustration purposes and are not part of the description of the Products. By placing an order, You agree that You are not doing so on the basis of, or in reliance on, any images and videos.
4.1.3    You are fully responsible for verifying whether the Products, as they are described in the above-mentioned published materials, meet Your needs and intended use.

4.2    Price

4.2.1    Prices listed on the Website do not include any applicable Delivery expenses. The relevant Delivery expenses will be mentioned clearly during checkout, before the finalization of the order. This will be expressed as an addition to the cost of the Products ordered unless otherwise indicated, for example by means of a discount voucher, a gift card, or a special offer.
4.2.2    Prices listed on the Website are in Euros.
4.2.3    We reserve the right to modify the prices at any time without prior notice. Only the prices that are presented at the moment You place an order are applicable.

4.3    Your binding offer for purchase

4.3.1    By clicking the “Confirm and pay” button in the last step of the order process, You submit a binding offer for the purchase of the Products displayed in Your order summary, pursuant to these Terms. Shortly after submitting the order, You will receive an order confirmation email. The order confirmation email and the payment for the Product do not constitute acceptance of Your offer by Arlo Europe. A Contract comes into force between You and Arlo Europe as soon as Arlo Europe accepts Your order either by means of a separate email or dispatch of the Products. Please regularly check the spam folder of Your mailbox.
4.3.2    You acknowledge that the transmission of Your order or confirmation of any payment, made through an electronic instruction may not be received by Arlo Europe for reasons beyond either Parties’ reasonable control including but not limited to a failure of software, telecommunications signals or systems, or the failure of third party’s service or systems.

4.4    Process of placing an order

4.4.1    On the Website, You can select Products by placing them in the shopping cart by clicking on the add to cart button. To complete Your order, click on the “Check out” button and You will see a summary of Your order and the total costs. You will also be invited to submit Your desired delivery and payment methods (see Sections 7 and 8 of these Terms).
4.4.2    Until You click on the “Confirm and pay” button You may modify Your order at any time (including deleting Products from Your cart completely). To cancel the order process, You can simply close Your browser window. By clicking the confirmation button “Confirm and Pay”, Your declaration becomes binding within the meaning of Section 4.3.1 of these Terms.

5. Order fulfillment

5.1    To place an order, it is imperative that You provide complete and accurate information including but not limited to Your name, complete address and phone number. Such information is needed by Arlo Europe in order to fulfill the order and to carry out the Delivery.
5.2    Once We have the necessary information to (i) create an invoice for Your order; (ii) identify You as the person that has placed the order; and (iii) enable us to fulfill the order and carry out the Delivery, We will provide different Delivery options to You on the Website. You are requested to pick the Delivery method that suits Your needs the best. The order will subsequently be invoiced according to the indicated cost.
5.3    The Delivery method will be set similarly for all Products included in the same order i.e. bought simultaneously on the Website. The indicated cost of Delivery on the Website will be valid for the entire set of Products. If You want the Products to be shipped by different Delivery methods You are required to issue multiple orders.
5.4    Unless otherwise stated, any discount vouchers and gift cards are not applicable to the price of Delivery.
5.5    Your shopping cart will display the total cost of Your order, including Delivery cost and the Delivery method that You have chosen. The price does not include customs duties or related import taxes and will not include additional taxes that You might be required to pay according to the legislation that is applicable to You.
5.6    You will need to connect Yourself to the Internet for placing an order of Product(s) on our Website. The related connection costs, established according to market rules governing online communications, shall remain at your charge.

6. Order finalization

After You have successfully placed an order in accordance with these Terms, Arlo Europe may agree to accept Your order based on the information provided by You or Arlo Europe may refuse to accept Your order for legitimate reasons. In case of refusal, We will reimburse You the price of the Product, without undue delay.

7. Payment

7.1    Means of payment

7.1.1    You can choose from the following Payment methods on our Website to pay for Your order:
•    Debit/Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express)
•    PayPal
•    Klarna

7.2    Fraud Prevention Measures

7.2.1    The transactions on the Website are carried out through a third party payment service provider.
7.2.2    Depending on the payment method You choose, You may be required to have or create a personal account. We do not collect or hold Your payment card details.
7.2.3    Also, to prevent fraudulent transactions We have set up procedures for verifying Your orders. If a fraud is suspected, these procedures will allow Us to require additional information, block, and if required, to cancel Your order. If Your order needs to be cancelled, You will be informed as soon as possible by email at the address that You have indicated. If You want to contest our decision to cancel Your order, please contact our customer support department.

8. Delivery

Unless We have notified You otherwise, We will deliver the Products You have purchased not later than 30 days from the order confirmation email and receipt by Arlo Europe of payment of Your order, whichever is the later.

8.1    Prerequisite conditions for Delivery

8.1.1    Delivery will be deemed fulfilled for each Product on the day on which the Product:
•    has been delivered to the postal address You have provided us; or
•    has been physically delivered to You or to a third party designated by You (other than the carrier).
8.1.2    The risk of loss or damage to the Product shall pass to You when You or the third party designated by You (other than the carrier) has taken physical possession of the Product.
8.1.3    In relation to Delivery, You or a third party that You have designated to receive Delivery:
•    must be present at the postal address You have provided to us, at the time of delivery notified to You by the carrier or Arlo Europe; and
•    must check the package and its contents and notify Us, no later than within 2 days from delivery, by email or any other means, any damage, error or other problem with the order.
8.1.4    Any claim relating to an error in Delivery, such as loss of package or Delivery to incorrect address, must be made by You within two (2) days of delivery.  This applies without prejudice to Your obligation to report any problem related to delivery to the carrier within three (3) days from receipt of the order, by extra judicial act or registered letter as required by Article L133-3 of the Commercial Code. This also applies without prejudice to Your rights under legal warranties.

8.2    Delivery failure
Unless otherwise specified by any mandatory legal provision, We have the right to charge You a Delivery fee for the re-shipment of the Product(s) ordered if any failure of Delivery occurs for a reason that Arlo Europe or the designated carrier is not responsible. Such reasons include Your failure to fulfil the above pre-requisites related to Delivery.

8.3    Delay in Delivery

8.3.1    You shall be entitled to withdraw from the Contract if Delivery is not carried out within thirty (30) days from the order confirmation email or receipt of payment of Your order (whichever is the later), unless We have indicated on the confirmation of Your purchase of the Product that the Delivery date will take place in more than thirty (30) days from the order confirmation email or payment of Your order.
8.3.2    If You withdraw from the Contract according to the conditions specified in this Section 8.3, We will reimburse You all payments received by Us for Your purchase of the Product(s) under the Contract without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which You have communicated us Your decision to withdraw from the Contract.

9. Right of withdrawal

As a Consumer You have a right of withdrawal from the Contract without providing any reason.

9.1    Conditions

9.1.1    You have the right to withdraw from the Contract within 30 days from the day on which the Product has been delivered to You or a third party designated by You (if your order is for several Products, this deadline shall run from the date of delivery of the last Product).
9.1.2    The right of withdrawal granted by Arlo Europe shall not apply in the following cases:
•    if You are unable to send us back the Product and its accessories;
•    if the returned Product has been damaged while in Your possession, for instance by being put in contact with water while it was not designated as « waterproof » by Arlo Europe; or
•    if the supply of goods was made in accordance with Your specifications or clearly customized or personalized for You.
9.1.3    The right of withdrawal granted by Arlo Europe only applies to Products purchased on the Website. If You bought Your Product from any other distribution network, You must contact the reseller.

9.2    Exercising Right of Withdrawal
To exercise the right of withdrawal, You must communicate to us first at orders@arlo-europe.com Your decision to withdraw from this Contract by an unequivocal statement [e.g. by email]. You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory (see Annex – I of these Terms). We will communicate to You an acknowledgement of receipt of such withdrawal on a durable medium (e.g. by e-mail) without delay.

9.3    Effects of Withdrawal
If You exercise Your right of withdrawal, You are obligated to send back the Products and their accessories, to us at Ingram Micro (Shipwire), Branch – Wallwijk, Industrieweg 98, Door C, 5145 PW,Waalwijk, Netherlands  within 14 days as from notification of Your decision to withdraw by using the label provided by Us (which We will send You) and in accordance with Our return instructions. If You have opted for a delivery method that is more expensive than our standard delivery, You shall bear the cost difference between the standard delivery and the delivery method chosen by You. Return label provided by Arlo Europe should be used.

9.3.1    As soon as We receive the Product or proof of the Product having been dispatched by You and provided it is in acceptable condition, We shall reimburse You the price of the Product (excluding any Delivery costs that are in addition to Our standard delivery), within 14-days. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as You used for the initial transaction, unless You have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, You will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.
9.3.2    If We conclude that the Product is not in acceptable condition due to any of the above exclusion provisions (see Section 9.1.2), We will not reimburse you but We may nevertheless be able to provide You with the following choice:
•    We may send You back the Product at Your own expense and risk after payment by You to Us of all return expenses which We would incur;
•    Destruction / Refurbishment of the Product. This solution will be automatically chosen if You fail or refuse to pay the returning expenses which We would incur as of 14 days from the day We notify You of the fact that the Product is not covered by Arlo Europe’s right of withdrawal policy.

10. Warranty

In the event the Products purchased on the Website are defective You are entitled to request supplementary performance of the Contract, to withdraw from the Contract or to reduce the purchase price in Your discretion. The limitation period for warranty claims for the delivered Products is 24 months from Delivery of the relevant Product. Any claims due to defects maliciously concealed by Us, are statute-barred within the regular limitation period. Moreover, You shall also be entitled to additional rights for defects within the scope of quality and/or durability guarantee, provided that Arlo Europe expressly guaranteed such in the individual case with respect to the Products You purchased.

11. Export

These Terms are subject to applicable export control laws. Products purchased from the Website may not be exported to another country or region where prohibited by export control regulations. Customers who intend to export the Product(s) to another country or region must obtain an export license (or other regulatory approval) as required by law.

12. Product Availability and Restrictions

Due to the popularity of the Products and occasional supply shortages, Arlo Europe may need to limit the number of Products available for purchase. Because customer satisfaction is our top priority, we make every effort to replenish Products as quickly as possible. Arlo Europe reserves the right to change the quantity of Products available for purchase at any time, even after an order has been placed and provided that Arlo Europe has not yet accepted that order.

13. Protection of Your Personal Data

At Arlo Europe, protecting the privacy of our Customers is of the utmost importance. For more information on the collection, storage and use of Your personal data as well as Your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679) Chapter III, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

14. Force Majeure

Neither party will be liable to the other in the case of a Force Majeure Event. In case of a Force Majeure Event performance of the Contract by the affected Party shall be suspended for the duration of the Force Majeure Event. The performance of such act shall be immediately continued once the cause of the Force Majeure Event ceases. Arlo Europe or Customer shall not be liable for any damages caused solely by a Force Majeure Event.  

15. Entire Agreement

This version of the Terms constitutes the entire agreement between You and Arlo Europe supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements and understandings between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof. The Terms in effect at the time of purchase of a Product will apply to the applicable order. Arlo Europe reserves the right to change these Terms. Such changes will not be retroactive and will only apply to future orders.

16. Assignment

You may not assign or transfer these Terms, in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Arlo Europe. Any attempted assignment by You without such consent will be void.

Online Dispute Resolution Platform: the European Commission has also set up an Online Dispute Resolution platform to facilitate the out-of-court settlement of online disputes between consumers and professionals of the European Union. This platform is accessible through the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/.


Annex – I

Withdrawal Form


Withdrawal Form Template according to Annex 1 B to Directive 2011/83/EU and art. R221-1 of the French Consumer Code

(Complete and return this form only if You wish to withdraw from the Contract)


To Verisure Arlo Europe DAC, Building 4100, Cork Airport Business Park, Cork, Ireland, T12 AP97

Contact: Arlo Europe Customer Support

Phone:  08003580574

Email address: orders@arlo-europe.com


I/we (*) hereby give notice that I/we (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*); Please describe goods/services precisely so it is possible to identify to which goods or services withdrawal refers.

Description of returned Product(s):

No. of purchase order:

ordered on (*)            /received on (*) ;

• name of consumer(s):

• postal / email address of consumer(s):

• signature of consumer(s) (only if withdrawal is notified on paper):


Place and date

(*) complete as appropriate